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ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck are seen strolling hand-in-hand in Paris, France, on July 24, 2022. The newly married couple lunched Loulou restaurant and visited Tuileries Garden. Jennifer Lopez celebrates her birthday today.,Image: 709527884, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
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ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Singer Jennifer Lopez and her new husband Ben Affleck lunch at the new Christian Dior Gallerie Paris july, 24 TH 2022,Image: 709510332, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Laurent Salmon / KCS Presse / Profimedia
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ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Exclusif - Prix Spécial - No Web - Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) et son mari Ben Affleck en lune de miel ŕ Paris. Le couple nouvellement mariés est allé dîner au restaurant "Le Matignon", accompagné d'une des filles de l'acteur, Violet. Aprčs le restaurant, Jennifer et Ben sont rentrés ŕ leur hôtel, oů l'on a pu apercevoir Ben Affleck fumait une cigarette ŕ la fenętre. Le 21 juillet 2022 Exclusive - Special Price - No Web - Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) and her husband Ben Affleck on their honeymoon in Paris. The newly married couple went to dinner at the restaurant "Le Matignon", accompanied by one of the actor’s daughters, Violet. After the restaurant, Jennifer and Ben returned to their hotel, where Ben Affleck was seen smoking a cigarette at the window. On July 21st 2022,Image: 709049134, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EXCLUSIF, Model Release: no, Credit line: Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia
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Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia
Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia Exclusif - Prix Spécial - No Web - Dans le cadre de leur lune de miel dans la ville de l'amour, Ben Affleck et sa femme Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) sont allés dîner en amoureux au restaurant La Girafe, situé sur la place du Trocadéro, devant la Tour Eiffel. Installés en terrasse, le couple de tourtereaux a célébré le 53čme anniversaire de la bomba latina. Visiblement trčs ému, Ben Affleck a męme verser une petite larme, ce qui n'a pas manqué d'attendrir Jennifer qui l'a pris immédiatement dans ses bras pour le consoler. Aprčs que Jennifer ait soufflé les bougies de son gâteau d'anniversaire, le couple a pris la direction de l'hôtel Crillon. Sur le chemin du retour, ils ont croisé la route d'un fan qui leur a offert une petite tour Eiffel lumineuse. Jennifer n'était pas au bout de ses surprises puisqu'en arrivant ŕ l'hôtel, on pouvait apercevoir des ballons d'anniversaire dans un salon privé de l'hôtel. La nuit ne faisait que commencer... Paris, le 24 juillet 2022. Exclusive - For Germany call for price - No Web - As part of their honeymoon in the city of love, Ben Affleck and his wife Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) went for a romantic dinner at the restaurant La girafe, located on the Place du Trocadéro, in front of the Eiffel Tower. Installed on the terrace, the couple of lovebirds celebrated the 53rd anniversary of the “bomba latina”. Visibly very moved, Ben Affleck even shed a small tear, which did not fail to soften Jennifer who immediately took him in her arms to comfort him. After Jennifer blew out the candles on her birthday cake, the couple headed to the Hôtel Crillon. On the way home, they crossed paths with a fan who offered them a small luminous Eiffel Tower. Jennifer was not at the end of her surprises since arriving at the hotel, we could see birthday balloons in a private room of the hotel. The night was just beginning... Paris, July 24th, 2022.,Image: 709724987, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EXCLUSIF, Model Release: no, Credit line: Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia
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Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia
Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia Semi-exclusif - Ben Affleck et sa femme Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) quittent l’hôtel Crillon avec leurs filles respectives Seraphina, Violet et Emme pour aller dîner au restaurant Gigi lors de leur lune de miel ŕ Paris le 22 juillet 2022. Veuillez flouter le visage de l’enfant avant publication Semi-exclusive - Ben Affleck and his wife Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) leave the Crillon hotel with their respective daughters Seraphina, Violet and Emme to go to dinner at the Gigi restaurant during their honeymoon in Paris on July 22, 2022.,Image: 709189527, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia
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ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Singer Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck take a private cruise on the Seine river.
23 Jul 2022,Image: 709344830, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Ter, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Japan, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Uruguay, Venezuela, Model Release: no, Pictured: Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez, Credit line: KCS Presse / MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
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ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Jennifer Lopez and her new husband Ben Affleck are in Paris with their kids Emme Anthony and Seeraphina Affleck spending some quality time during french Honeymoon Paris, July 22 th 2022.
22 Jul 2022,Image: 709134810, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: NO Andorra, Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Ter, Greece, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Honduras, Hungary, Japan, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Uruguay, Venezuela, Model Release: no, Pictured: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, Credit line: KCS Presse / MEGA / The Mega Agency / Profimedia
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ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia
ABACA / Abaca Press / Profimedia Exclusif - No Web - Ben Affleck et sa femme Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) quittent le restaurant "Cheval Blanc" avec leurs enfants respectifs Seraphina, Violet, Maximilian et Emme pour aller manger une glace chez Bertillon sur l'île Saint-Louis lors de leur lune de miel ŕ Paris le 23 juillet 2022. Pour la petite histoire, la derničre fois que Jennifer Affleck est venue ŕ Paris, c'était avec son ex-compagneon Alex Rodriguez et, le couple avait également dégusté une glace chez le célčbre glacier Bertillon. Exclusive - For Germany call for price - No Web - Ben Affleck and his wife Jennifer Affleck (Lopez) leave the "Cheval Blanc" restaurant with their respective children Seraphina, Violet, Maximilian and Emme to eat ice cream at Bertillon on Île Saint-Louis during their honeymoon in Paris July 23, 2022. For the record, the last time Jennifer Affleck came to Paris was with her ex-companion Alex Rodriguez and the couple also had an ice cream at the famous Bertillon ice cream parlor.,Image: 709488368, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: EXCLUSIF, Model Release: no, Credit line: Agence / Bestimage / Profimedia