TESTENINA S TIKVICAMA KOJU OBOŽAVA MEGHAN MARKLE: Isprobajte ovo sezonsko povrće pripremljeno na kraljevski način

Kremasta testenina sa samo nekoliko sastojaka po receptu Meghan Markle biće vaše omiljeno jelo ovog leta.


Pre nego što je postala članica kraljevske porodice, a onda i medijska preduzetnica, Meghan Markle je u slobodno vreme uživala i u kuvanju, te je za magazin Delish podelila i svoje omiljeno jelo u čijoj je pripremi prava majstorica.

Radi se o testenini s kremastim sosom za koju je potrebno svega nekoliko sastojaka: 'Sos postane tako kremast da biste se zakleli da se u njemu nalazi tona maslaca i ulja, ali to su samo tikvice, voda i malo bujona', rekla je Meghan.

Tajna je u dugom kuvanju, pa ako ste voljni da odvojite 4 sata za pripremu ovog laganog kremastog ručka u kojem uživaju princeze, donosimo recept:

Ferrari Press Agency Ref 9155 Meghan 1 01/05/2018 See Ferrari text Picture credit: Lexus Royal bride-to-be Meghan Markle says food is her passion is a TV commercial she made before falling for Britain’s Prince Harry.The American-born former Suits TV actress takes the wheel of a luxury Lexus RX SUV and uses the satellite navigation to drive to her favourite New York eaterie BouludSud.There she is welcomed by top chef Daniel Boulud where the embrace in the kitchen.Meghan, looking swish in skin-tight drainpipe trousers and off the shoulder top, then watches Boulud prepare a dish and even assists adding a final dressing before announcing ,”Voila.”The pair are then seen enjoying the meal together before she takes her leave and sashays back to her Lexus and drives off.All the while, Meghan gives a commentary about what is happening.She tells viewers:“When it comes to food, I live for the moments of discovery.“It’s a drive that takes me to amazing places.“Like when I go to one of my favourite power lunch spots to taste a new dish.“And then to learn how it’s made by the culinary master who created it .“Food is my passion. It feeds the soul.”As Meghan finishes her meal, a voiceover announces:” This is lunch elevated.”And as she approaches her Lexus, the voiceover adds:” And this is sophistication elevated.”Meghan made the commercial at a time when Luxus was sponsoring TV drama Suits OPS: Meghan Markle in the TV commercial for Lexus and Suits.Enjoying lunch with Daniel Boulud Picture supplied by Ferrari,Image: 370251141, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Lexus / Ferrari / Profimedia Foto: Lexus / Ferrari / Profimedia


  • 1 kašila maslinovog ulja
  • 5 iseckanih tikvica
  • Pola čaše vode
  • 1 kocka supe
  • 340 g makarona
  • 1 naseckani luk (opciono)
  • Parmezan


Ako koristite luk, zagrejte maslinovo ulje na srednjem plamenu i kuvajte dok ne omekša. Dodajte tikvice, vodu i kocku supe, te začinite po želji.

Poklopite i kuvajte na laganoj vatri 4 sata, povremeno mešajući. Tikvice bi trebale postepeno da se raskuvaju.

Testeninu skuvajte u zasebnom loncu i procedite pre nego što je ubacite u umak. Pospite parmezanom i – uživajte!