Sada je i potvrđeno da ćemo Samanthu Jones gledati u drugoj sezoni nastavka kultne serije "Seks i grad", ali ne na onaj način na koji ste možda očekivali.
02.06.2023. 13:30h
→ 13:56h
Los Angeles, CA - First look trailer for And Just Like That... Season 2 gives a glimpse as John Corbett’s Aidan Shaw returns. The first trailer for And Just Like That season two has been released by HBO Max and teases the return of John Corbett's character Aidan Shaw - as he is seen arriving at Carrie Bradshaw's iconic brownstone building. “And just like that, I realized some things are better left in the past,” Sarah Jessica Parker is heard saying as Carrie, before adding: “But maybe not everything.” At this point Aidan is seen arriving at Carrie's home where the pair appear to reunite, a storyline that was first revealed in January this year when they were seen filming on location together. Elsewhere in the trailer, Carrie is also seen in bed with one of her co-workers Franklyn, played by Ivan Hernandez, before she’s heard declaring: “It’s just sex!” Elsewhere fans see the return of all the new characters from the first season, including Seema played by Surita Chowdry, and Dr. Nya Wallace played by Karen Pittman. “If you're lucky, no matter what life hands you, you can always count on your closest friends to be there,” Carrie says in her voice over - as she's joined by Seema for lunch. There's also a steamy bedroom scene between characters Lisa Todd Wexley (Nicole Ari Parker) and her husband Herbert Wexley (Chris Jackson) hinting at an interesting new storyline for the couple. However, possibly one of the most controversial romances for fans is the relationship between Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) and Che Diaz (Sara Ramirez). In the new trailer the pair can been seen enjoying a steamy kiss up against a wall, suggesting that their love affair continues in the new series. And Charlotte York Goldenblatt (Kristin Davis) has more awkward family drama on her hands as we see her daughter Lily (Cathy Ang) tell her mother that she is ready to lose her virginity - causing shock. And Just Like That is a revival and sequel to the HBO series Sex And The City and is set 11 years after the events of the 2010 film Sex And The City 2. Sarah, Cynthia Nixon, 56, and Kristin Davis, 57, reprised their roles from the original series. Kim Cattrall, 66, who portrayed Samantha Jones in the original series, did not return for And Just Like That. The show will return to the soon-to-be-renamed Max in June 2023.
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***, Model Release: no, Pictured: Sarah Jessica Parker, Cynthia Nixon, Oliver Hudson, Credit line: HBO Max / BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia Foto: HBO Max / BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
Dobre vesti za sve one koji su navijali da se Samantha Jones vrati u nastavak kultne serije "Sex and the City", i da mu da makar malo smisla. Kim Cattrall snimila je scenu u strogoj tajnosti još u martu za drugu sezonu "And Just Like That...", ali pre nego što počnete da se radujete bitno je da znate da je njeno pojavljivanje samo nakratko.
Naime, ona će se pojaviti samo u jednoj sceni, pišu svetski mediji. Prema rečima izvora, Kim je svoju scenu snimila još 22. marta u Njujorku, bez da se videla i sa jednom drugom zvezdom serije, uključujući Sarah Jessicu Parker i Michael Patrick Kinga sa kojima je u svađi.
Nagađa se da je reč o sceni u kojoj će Samantha, koja se u seriji preselila u London, imati telefonski razgovor sa Carrie. Podsetimo se, one su se dopisivale u prvoj sezoni, a u poslednjoj epizodi njih dve su napravile plan da se vide i porazgovaraju.
Iako se priželjkivano okupljanje četiri drugarice neće dogoditi, njen povratak u bilo kojoj formi oduševio je fanove serije. Ono što se zasigurno zna jeste da se Aidan vraća, i to ne u vidu samo jedne scene ili epizode.
Foto: Jose Perez / / Splash / Profimedia
Upravo je izašao i novi trejler za drugu sezonu nastavka serije koja kreće od 22. juna na HBO platformi, a pogledajte ga u videu ispod.
Zašto su se Kim i Sarah posvađale?
Kim je u emisiji “Piers Morgan's Life Stories” 2017. rekla da nema nikakvih interesa da se ikada više vraća u “Seks i grad”. Tu je takođe izjavila da nikada nije ni bila prijateljica sa koleginicama iz serije, i da smatra da je zdravije kada postoji jasna linija između profesionalnog i privatnog života.