Celebrity Selfies
Pictured: Jennifer Lopez,Image: 697447281, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: ***
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Jennifer Lopez voli da eksperimentiše sa modnim trendovima, ali ako pažljivo pogledate, njen stil je zapravo ostao vrlo dosledan tokom godina. Ona obožava da vraća u modu komade iz 90-ih godina, kao i da se oslanja na klasike sa kojima nema greške.
Ovo važi i kada je o kupaćim kostimima reč, pa je tako ovog leta JLo odlučila da kao IT komad predsravi crni trouglasti bikini. Objava sa preko 4 miliona lajkova učinila je da ovaj komad u rekornom roku postane najprodavaniji u radnjama high-street brendova, koje su već početkom sezone davale naznake da se ovaj trend vraća na velika vrata.
6-6-2022 Celebrity Selfies Pictured: Jennifer Lopez,Image: 697447316, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: PLANET PHOTOS / Planet / Profimedia Foto: PLANET PHOTOS / Planet / Profimedia
Interesantno je i što se latino diva odlučila za model niskog struka umesto visokog koji dominira već sezonama, a ceo outfit upotpunila je dugim svilenim kimonom, naočarima i neočekivanim potpeticama, dajući mu na glamuru.
Sličan model Jennifer je nosila i prošlog leta dok je razmenjivala prve javne nežnosti sa svojim, sada već suprugom, Benom Affleckom. Trouglasti bikini bio je u braon boji, takođe kombinovan sa boho kimonom.
Various, UNITED KINGDOM - Celebrity Social Network Photos! *UK Clients - Pictures Containing Children Please Pixelate Face Prior To Publication*,Image: 623440749, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Pictured: Jennifer Lopez, Credit line: BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia Foto: BACKGRID / Backgrid UK / Profimedia
Pa ukoliko vam ponestane inspiracije za outfit za plažu ovog leta, ugledajte se na JLo!